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2024 Work Requirements

SBSC Work Requirements 2024.png

Year End Highpoint Award - UPDATED for 2024

Regardless of membership type, all riders that would like to receive Year-End Highpoint or Honorable Mention award(s) need to work eight classes at each show they compete in. All children age 10 and older must also work eight classes at each show they compete at to get their points. This must be recorded on the Worker Hour Google Sheet.


In lieu of a member working their eight classes at a show to get their points, they may have another member or non-member work for them. If it is a non-member, it must be an adult (or youth 13 or older) trained at a minimum for knowledge and safety (i.e. Being mindful of hot horses and the gate, opening the gate all the way, closing the gate during runs, being heads up in the arena, etc.). The member having work completed for them is responsible for the training, safety, and quality of work of the non-member who is working on their behalf. If another member or non-member works for a competing member, it must be recorded who completed the work and for whom on the worker Hour Google Sheet. A member working on behalf of another member cannot use those classes or hours toward their own year-end high point or worker awards.


If you wish to receive Year-End Work Awards, you must track and log your hours (not classes) on the Google Sheet.



Cleanups are not required for any Year-End awards but are strongly encouraged!  They are a great way to get involved, give back to your club, and cleanup hours can be recorded and do count toward work awards.


Recording Time for Highpoint and Work Awards 

All members are responsible for logging or reporting their own time worked. It is not the responsibility of the Point/Hour Keeper to track members down to ensure they worked their classes to get their points. What is entered on the form will be used to calculate Year-End Highpoints and Worker Awards.


Recording Classes for Year-End Highpoint

To log your classes (for points toward Year-End Highpoint Awards), select “Yes” from the drop-down in column B on the Google Sheet (or “No”, if you did not work) that the Point/Hour Keeper has created and will send out before each show. Enter the name of the person who completed the work in column C.


Recording Worker Hours for Year-End Worker Awards

If you wish to receive Year-End Work Awards, you will need to track your hours (not just classes) on the Google Sheet that the Point/Hour Keeper has created and will send out before each show. It is preferred that you log the start and stop times, areas worked, and the total number of hours, but a total only will be accepted. Please try to be as accurate and honest as possible.


 If you are unable to log your classes and/or hours the day of the show, you must enter or report them to the Point/Hour Keeper within a week of the show. If you do not work a show, or have someone work for you as clarified in the rules, you will not receive your points for that show toward Year-End Highpoint. If you are unable to log classes and/or hours on the Google sheet on your own, contact the Point/Hour Keeper within a week of the show and they will enter them for you. If you have a medical or work emergency that forces you to leave the show before your work is complete, reach out to the Point/Hour Keeper or Worker Committee within a week after the show. The committee will deal with all work-related issues or questions. No classes or hours can be logged after one week from the show without approval by the Worker Committee. If you do not log your hours within one week of the event, it will result in a forfeit of your Year-End points and work hours for that show.

© 2021 by Silver Buckle Saddle Club. Not a boarding, training, or trail riding facility.

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